Throw a rock in any direction, and you’ll hit someone’s zombie apocalypse survival plan. It’s astounding how ubiquitous it’s become. Everyone these days seems to have an elaborate strategy worked out to stay alive and thrive in the event that civilization falls in the wake of plagues, zombies, robot uprisings, alien invasions, natural disasters, nuclear war or even dragons.
There are even now magazines dedicated to this topic, and I’m not entirely sure how serious they’re intended to be.
But the truth is, it doesn’t matter how high your level is in Fallout: New Vegas, or how many issues of the Walking Dead you’ve read, or how many times you’ve seen the Road Warrior. Most people in the post-apocalypse are kinda…y’know…dead.
That prompts this month’s Mailbag question:
“Be Honest. How would you really fare in a post-apocalyptic setting?”
Here’s what our hosts had to say…