Fun Size Episode 10 – Jodorowsky’s Still Alive


Mike and Casey sit down with Kinsey Burke, Patrick Johnson, and Sam Mulvey to bat around a contentious and complicated topic: adaptations, reboots and remakes.

How faithful should a work be to its source material when it’s adapted from one storytelling medium to another? What happens when it deviates over time? What about when a beloved past work is rebooted in ways we cannot stand? Is it really worth getting worked up about, now that the floodgates are open?

And can a bad adaptation transcend the source material and become a wonderful hypnotic disaster? Is it time to make peace with changes to Game of Thrones, and the Ghostbusters remake?

Also, Mike fights — against all odds —  to protect a young friend from a 43 year-old movie spoiler.

Fun Size Episode 3 – It Plays Brown Things!


In our second Fun Size episode this month, Mike and Casey are joined by in the studio by Ask an Atheist‘s Sam Mulvey.

We dig into the selection of current generation video game consoles, as Mike makes a decision on his future purchase. Are the Xbox One and Playstation 4 really that different? Why not Nintendo?

And why do gamers need to make a hard choice between colorful all-ages insanity like Mario Kart, and gritty adult games like Bioshock and Fallout? Why can’t we have everything?

And then talk turns to the subject of Bill Cosby, and shit gets real.

Deep breaths, everyone.