Fun Size Episode 84 – WWE Ballet with Trucks

We’re in the studio with Carol and Dave Brouillette, who have returned with us with good tidings from Monster Jam! Yes, Monster Jam, the (surprisingly wholesome) spectacle of giant tires, animal shaped vehicles, big jumps, and plenty of dirt tracks and screaming fans.

It’s one-part P.T. Barnum, one-part NASCAR, one-part Vince McMahon, and one-part Hanna Barbera Wacky Races. The good parts, mind you. Not those parts. Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Fun Size Episode 54 – Birds Aren’t Real

We’re joined by Australia’s own Paul Hix from Waiting for Doom – the Doom Patrol Podcast, to dig into the latest and strangest conspiracy theory: Bird Trutherism!

Counterfeit avians? Feathered Cameras in the Sky!? Why does it feel like the desire to answer serious questions in the most unserious ways has gone frighteningly mainstream?

Has the legalization of marijuana in many states left us doomed to a future where pot smoking will be branded tragically…uncool?

And we get an opportunity to grill our Aussie guest on an outsider’s view of American culture and cuisine. Do we have things that scare and confuse others as much as vegemite does us? (Spoiler: yes, we do.)