Mike Makes a Quick Cameo on Ryan Daly’s “Give Me Those Star Wars” Podcast!


It’s May the Fourth (Be With You!) and Ryan Daly of the Give Me Those Star Wars podcast has invited Mike and a collection of other podcasters to answer the question: What did we most look forward to with the Star Wars franchise, going forward?

Check it out! After all the negative things Mike has said about Star Wars and George Lucas over the years, let’s feel a little love!

Mike Returns to the Film and Water Podcast!


Mike return to Rob Kelly‘s Film and Water Podcast, to talk about one of his favorite movies, 1960’s Inherit the Wind!

Based on the play of the same name, and on the real-life Scopes Monkey Trial, Inherit the Wind tells the story of a small town schoolteacher put on trial for teaching his students Darwin’s theory of evolution to his students. With the town — and the entire country in an uproar — a former populist presidential candidate stands for the prosecution, and a famed civil right attorney for the defense, and sparks fly!

Mike gets into why this is one of his favorite films, how its a refreshing departure from the usual portrayal of atheist/agnostic characters in fiction, and why a movie made in 1960 — and based on events from the 1920s — is frighteningly still relevant today.

Check it out!

Podcasta la Vista, Baby! goes Bimonthly in May!


Starting in April, our spin-off show, Podcasta la Vista, Baby! will go from a quarterly celebration of the cinematic legend of Arnold Schwarzenegger to a meaty, double-barrelled bimonthly experience!

That means every year, you will get 50% more muscles, 50% more explosions, and 50% more absurd macho bullshit, starting with Arnie’s first starring role in Hercules in New York in May!

How does this affect our main program, Radio vs. the Martians!, you might ask? Our panel episodes will move to a bimonthly basis as well, giving us even more time to write, schedule and gorge ourselves on delicious (and not-so-delicious) popular culture to make our panel episodes even better and more ambitious than ever!

But fret not, loyal listener! We will still have monthly installments of our Fun Size episodes to pick up the slack and keep you abreast of all of our non-Arnold related tirades and fan gushing!

Great things are on the way, folks!

Mike Makes an Appearance on the “Give Me Those Star Wars” Podcast!


Mike made an appearance on Ryan Daly‘s Give Me Those Star Wars podcast to talk about his favorite Star Wars character, Lando Calrissian!

We get into the charming gambler’s appeal, how he brought a refreshing degree of moral ambiguity to a galaxy far, far, away, and why Mike says he’s the real hero of the Empire Strikes Back.

He’s one part Clark Gable, one part Bret Maverick, and one-hundred percent awesome.

Check it out!

Casey Appears on the Film and Water Podcast!


Casey makes his first appearance on Rob Kelly‘s Film and Water Podcast, to talk about his favorite movie of all time: Blade Runner.

They get into the film’s slow burn noir-ish take on science fiction, its lush and timeless world-building, and how its status as a landmark of motion pictures overcame the numerous issues that went into its production.

Check it out!

Casey Returns to the Video Game Break Podcast!

Vault Boy

Casey makes a second appearance on our friend Carlos Rodela‘s Video Game Break Podcast! This time, to discuss Bethesda’s newest installment in their signature post-apocalyptic open world RPG series, Fallout 4!

They swap their stories of their Fallout 4 experiences, the self-directed open world game experience, and sheer massive scale of the game’s Commonwealth Wasteland setting. So, grab a Nuka-Cola and start blowing the legs off of some feral ghouls!

Check it out!

Mike is Back on the Film and Water Podcast!


Mike makes a third appearance on Rob Kelly‘s Film and Water Podcast, to talk about the 1978 George A. Romero horror classic largely credited with the creation of the zombie apocalypse genre: Dawn of the Dead.

We get into the film’s graphic violence, scathing humor, timely social commentary, and often incredibly downbeat tone. And why this movie has stood the test of time as the quintessential zombie movie.

Check it out!

Mike Makes a Guest Appearance on the Secret Origins Podcast!


Mike makes a guest appearance on Ryan Daly‘s Secret Origins Podcast, highlighting DC Comics’ classic anthology series from the 1980s.

In this episode, he joins Ryan and fellow guest Tim Wallace to talk about Mike’s favorite DC character, western anti-hero Jonah Hex! We dig into the character’s publication history, his botched 2011 film adaptation, and his lasting appeal as the nastiest son of a bitch in the world.

From his classic status quo as an Old West bounty hunter to his brief sojourn into a Mad Max-style post apocalypse, Jonah Hex continues to be the most successful Western comic book character of all time.

Check it out!

Mike and Casey Return to the Jet City Comic Show!

jetcitycomicshowWe’re coming back to Tacoma’s Jet City Comic Show on the weekend of Saturday, October 31, and Sunday November 1st — our first two-day convention appearance!

Feel free to drop by our booth, and chat us up about all things pop culture-y! We’ll have plenty of Halloween candy and show sampler CDs, to spread the podcast love!

We’re at Exhibitor Booth #314, which you can find here on the show floor map! Just look for our banners!

Hope to see you there!

Miller-ized for your Protection!


On one of our last Fun Sized episodes, Mike announced the first Radio vs. the Martians! “non-test.” It’s like a contest, just without prizes or promotion, because of our crippling fear that no one would actually enter it.

Thank you for proving Mike wrong!

So, we wanted to see your Frank Miller-style reinterpretations of childhood favorites and all ages media characters.

Who’s Frank Miller, you might ask?

Answers and drawings under the fold!

Continue reading

Mike is Back on the Fire and Water Podcast!


Mike comes back with a fourth appearance on the Fire and Water Podcast!

This time, Mike joins co-host Rob Kelly ‘s Film and Water Podcast spin-off to talk about the highly underrated sixth James Bond film, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service!

We get into the film’s back story, it’s top notch action sequences, and the performances of leads George Lazenby, Diana Rigg, and Telly Savalas. We talk about ski chases, the movies impact on popular culture, why it deserves a better reputation, and Mike’s man-crush on Savalas’ interpretation of supervillain Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Join us!

Podcasta la Vista, Baby!


The hosts of Radio vs. the Martians! are proud — no, we’re downright giddy — to announce our newest addition to the podcast.

Starting in October, we’re going to do something special. About twice a year, we’ll take a break from our regular monthly panels. In their place, Mike and Casey will to be joined by a guest to celebrate the cinematic library of America’s greatest Austrian import: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Our new podcast, Podcasta la Vista, Baby! will be a movie-by-movie examination of this thespian, bodybuilder and statesman, as he punches, shoots, flexes, and catch-phrases his way to box office domination.

The new show will appear on the regular RvtM podcast feed, so you won’t have to hunt it down, and it’ll join our regular panel episodes, “point 5” mini-episodes, and our Fun Size episodes, to diversify our output with a meaty helping of absurd macho bullshit.

More will be announced soon, and I know you folks will love it as much as we do!

Upcoming Episode Topics


Here is a look ahead at our future episode topics for the rest of the year. Please bear in mind that these topics are extremely tentative. They can — and likely will — change according to availability of our panelists and completely arbitrary reasons.

JUNE Watchmen

JULYFun Size Episode (Double-sized and released in two parts!)

AUGUST Twin Peaks


OCTOBER —  Podcasta La Vista, Baby!  Episode 1 – the Running Man

NOVEMBER Star Trek: the Next Generation


EDIT: Updated schedule – November 2, 2015

Mike Returns to the Fire and Water Podcast!


Mike returns for a third appearance on the Fire and Water Podcast, this time to co-host Rob Kelly’s film-centric Film and Water Podcast spin-off. And this time, they’re on a mission from God.

They discuss the 1980 comedy/musical/car chase mayhem movie, the Blues Brothers. Dan Aykroyd! John Belushi! Ray Charles! Aretha Franklin! Carrie Fisher with a rocket launcher! Neo Nazis, irate country western bands and every cop car in the state of Illinois!
