Mike Feels the Power of the Dark Side on Ryan Daly’s Give Me Those Star Wars

Mike joins Ryan Daly’s Give Me Those Star Wars podcast and a murderer’s row of talented pop culture podcasters to dissect a topic that no one has ever, ever talked about, and absolutely no one has strong opinions about: Star Wars. In particular, the first five years of the franchise under the stewardship the Walt Disney Company.

Feelings are purged! Spleens are vented! Catharsis is Found!

And even though it’s been avoided on our own show, Mike gets all of the venom out of his system about The Rise of Skywalker.

Hoo Boy. Here goes nothing…

Check it out!

Mike Makes a Quick Cameo on Ryan Daly’s “Give Me Those Star Wars” Podcast!


It’s May the Fourth (Be With You!) and Ryan Daly of the Give Me Those Star Wars podcast has invited Mike and a collection of other podcasters to answer the question: What did we most look forward to with the Star Wars franchise, going forward?

Check it out! After all the negative things Mike has said about Star Wars and George Lucas over the years, let’s feel a little love!

Fun Size Episode 5 – So Many Props Made of Real, Atomic Matter


In our second Fun Sized episode this month, Mike and Casey continue their talk with Rebecca Friedman, and get into their feelings about the new Star Wars movie, the Force Awakens.

Also, we say goodbye to the recently departed Alan Rickman and David Bowie.

Episode 24.5 – Not Everybody is You, Grant Morrison!

grant morrison

In the shadow of our Batman discussion, Mike and Casey continue their discussion with Joe Preti and Pól Rua. We dig into the weapons-grade weirdness of comic book writer Grant Morrison, and why his work probably shouldn’t be your introduction to the medium.

We get into the contrast of revolutionary artistic experimentation vs. conventional competence that doesn’t reinvent the wheel.

We dive into the stick and meta-textual question of comic book continuity, and whether it’s better to hold a Crisis on Infinite Earths-style event to get rid of story elements you don’t want to keep, or whether it’s better to simply ignore them without explanation.

And finally, how exactly did the Ewoks perceive the Battle of Endor at the end of the Return of the Jedi?

Episode 23.5 – Do We Need to Get Racist, Casey?


In the afterglow of our Star Trek: the Next Generation panel, Mike and Casey continue their chat with Ryan Chaddock and Greg Hatcher for some off-topic conversation.

We dig into why Mike totally doesn’t have pink eye, the use (or non-use) of secondary Star Trek characters, our hopes and fears for Star Wars: the Force Awakens, the Blade Runner and Mad Max sequels, inter-fandom schadenfreude, and 1980s slasher movies.

And we ponder: why don’t we get any hate mail?